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Moss Gold Mine, NW Arizona, USA

  • Highlights
    • Land position in the Oatman District of approximately 165 square kilometers
    • As per 2021 NI 43-101 Technical Report:
      • Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves estimated to contain 184,500 ounces of gold and 2.2 million ounces of silver in 12,744 kilotonnes grading 0.45 g/t gold and 5.4 g/t silver
      • Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources estimated to contain 490,200 ounces of gold and 5.75 million ounces of silver in 38,857 kilotonnes grading 0.39 g/t gold and 4.6 g/t silver
      • Inferred Mineral Resources estimated to contain 73,800 ounces of gold and 940,000 ounces of silver in 6,562 kilotonnes grading 0.35 g/t gold and 4.5 g/t silver
      • Ultimate leach pad recoveries range between 75-77% for gold and 40-43% for silver
      • Life of Mine plan extends to 2025, mining at over 11,000 tons per day at an average strip ratio of 0.88:1,  based on the maiden Mineral Reserve (2021 Technical Report)
      • Pre-tax NPV(5%) of $50.8 million and after-tax NPV(5%) of $45.3 million at $1,700 per ounce gold and $18.50 per ounce silver
    • District-scale exploration upside adjacent to and at depths below the current mining operations, as well as on the broader property
    • Over 120 exploration holes drilled since 2021 NI-43-101 Technical Report, including hole 662 in the Reynolds Pit area (225 m intercept @ 0.56 g/T Au and X g/T Ag).
    • Update of NI 43-101 in progress.
  • Mine Geology

    The Moss Mine is currently mining the Moss vein system, which consists of fault-hosted epithermal quartz-calcite veins with associated vein stockwork that are younger than and cut across the Moss quartz monzonite porphyry host rock in the vicinity of the mine (see Moss Mine Geology Map). The Moss vein system includes the Moss and Ruth veins, as well as associated hanging wall and, locally, footwall vein stockwork. The Moss vein strikes slightly north of west (~275-285 degrees) and dips steeply (~70-75 degrees) to the south in the vicinity of the mine. Locally, the Moss vein develops a more northerly strike. The Ruth vein, which is approximately 175 meters to the south of the Moss vein on surface, is sub-parallel to, and dips moderately (~50-60 degrees) north towards the Moss vein, with the distance between the two veins diminishing with depth. The two veins intersect at depths of between 180 meters and 230 meters below the current surface. Moss vein hanging wall stockworks are present both above and below the intersection between the two veins. Mining is currently focussed on the main Moss vein and associated vein stockwork.

  • Mining & Processing

    The Moss mine extracts gold and silver from ore via heap leaching. Mined ore is crushed to P80 of 1/4 inch, mixed with pebble quick lime and conveyed to heaps where it is stacked. Following stacking, the leach pads are irrigated with dilute sodium cyanide solution. Gold and silver are dissolved as the sodium cyanide solution passes through the leach pads. The solution (referred to as pregnant solution) exits the leach pads and flows to a pregnant solution pond. From the pregnant solution pond, the solution is passed through a Merrill-Crowe plant where the gold and silver are precipitated out of solution using zinc powder. The precipitate is filtered, dried, and smelted to produce doré bars.

  • Mineral Reserve Estimate

    The maiden Proven and Probable Mineral Reserve for the Moss Mine, estimated effective July 1, 2021, is presented in the following table. The Proven and Probable Reserve estimate was constrained by the existing infrastructure of the mine. In the future, infrastructure may be relocated to allow the Moss Mine to realize the full economic benefits of the additional near mine mineralization being defined by the ongoing exploration drilling program.

    Proven and Probable Mineral Reserve Effective, July 1, 2021

    Contained Gold
    (000’s oz)
    Contained Silver
    (000’s oz)
    Proven + Probable12,7440.455.4184.52,200.8

    Notes: Metal Prices used for Mineral Reserves: $1,525/oz gold; $18.50/oz silver. Reserves are tabulated at a 0.21 g/t gold cutoff grade. The topography date used for tabulating the Mineral Reserve is 1 July 2021 Metric tonnages and grades are reported: Ktonnes are 1,000 metric tonnes; g/t is grams per metric tonne. The Mineral Reserve estimate was prepared by Jacob Richey, of Independent Mining Consultants Inc. Numbers may not tally exactly due to rounding. The Mineral Reserve estimate was prepared in accordance with CIM Definition Standards.

  • Mineral Resource Estimate

    The Mineral Resource estimate for the Moss mine also has an effective date of July 1, 2021 and is presented in the following table. The Mineral Resource was estimated using drilling available up to May 24, 2021. The component of the mineralization that has reasonable prospects of economic extraction was estimated using the Lerchs-Grossman algorithm. The July 1, 2021 Mineral Resource represents a 36% increase in Measured and Indicated Resources when compared to the December 2019 Mineral Resource Estimate (see 2021 Technical Report). Additional exploration drilling is targeting further expansion of the Mineral Resources along strike and at depth.

    Moss Mine Mineral Resource Estimate as at July 1, 2021

    ClassificationCut-off Grade
    (g/t Au)
    Contained Gold
    (000’s oz)
    Contained Silver
    (000’s oz)
    Measured + Indicated0.1538,8570.394.6490.25,754.0

    Notes: The Mineral Resource is inclusive of the Mineral Reserve. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. The Mineral Resource was prepared in accordance with CIM Definition Standards. Metal prices used for the Mineral Resource: $1,800 per ounce gold and $22.00 per ounce silver. Numbers may not tally exactly due to rounding. Metric tonnages and grades are reported: ktonnes are 1,000 metric tonnes; g/t is grams per metric tonne. The Mineral Resource estimate was prepared by Jacob Richey of Independent Mining Consultants Inc.

    An update to the NI 43-101 is in progress and expected to be released at the end of 2023.

  • Regional Exploration

    Epithermal vein systems on the approximately 165 square kilometer Moss property are associated with right-lateral Walker Lane transtensional structures. The vein systems are hosted in and cut magmatic, volcanic, and volcaniclastic rocks associated with the formation of the Miocene Silver Creek Caldera. More than two million ounces of gold and one million ounces of silver were produced from low sulfidation epithermal veins in the historic Oatman District between 1870 and 1980. The Company has identified multiple low sulfidation epithermal veins for follow-up exploration on the broader Moss property using a combination of remote sensing and geophysical techniques in conjunction with the USGS Mineral Resources Data System (see Moss Propterty Regional Exploration Map). Of particular interest is the intersection between the curviplanar eastern margin of the caldera and the right-lateral sigmoidal Walker Lane structures in the Florence Hill and Grapevine areas. Significant advanced argillic alteration and silica ledges, coincident with aeromagnetic geophysical anomalies, is developed at the intersection of these structures. Interestingly, the main historic Oatman District vein system extends from this intersection to the southeast, with the West Oatman and Moss vein systems extending from this intersection to the northwest. The possibility that the low sulfidation epithermal systems and alteration zonation are vectoring back to the potential mineralization source in the structural intersection represents a significant exploration target for the Company. Exploration of the Moss property is following a telescoped approach, from infill drilling at the Moss mine, through near-mine resource definition drilling and along-strike medium- to long-term resource delineation drilling, to true greenfields exploratio

  • Technical Reports
  • Photo Galleries

88 photos in this gallery. Right-Click on photo to open in full sized image.

  • Overland & Grasshopper Conveyors have been connected at the Moss Mine.

  • A sideview of one of the Crushers and its enclosed screen decks at the Moss Mine.

  • The backend of a large CAT front-end loader as it has just picked up a large bucketful of ore and is about to haul it to the Crushers at the Moss Mine.

  • OLD & NEW; the 125 year OLD Moss House shown here in the forefront and the NEW Crushing Facility in the background. A part of the historic Moss Mine still stands and has been preserved onsite.

  • We have water! Mine Optimization continues on; shown here a new bright yellow fire hydrant is proof of another completed installation at the Moss Mine.

  • Our Cement Silo stands tall and ready just a short distance away from the Crushers at the Moss Mine. Cement aids as a binder for the fine ore particles in the agglomeration process and raises the PH for optimum gold and silver recovery.

  • A reel of belting awaits to be installed on the conveyors at the Moss Mine. The conveyors are being readied to move ore through each step of the Crushing process.

  • An up close view of the track rollers of a bulldozer at the Moss Mine. These tracks propel the bulldozer into motion just as each development in construction at the Moss Mine has built momentum for Northern Vertex to be that much closer to pouring gold.

  • All working together; a CAT front-end loader loads an articulated truck. The various pieces of equipment work together to excavate & haul ore. Each executing a vital step towards the mining, crushing, leaching and pouring of gold at the Moss Mine.

  • The wide blade of a bulldozer pushes together a large pile of ore that will be transported to the Crusher and then to the Heap Leach Pad for processing at the Moss Mine.

  • A rotary drill stands tall at the Moss Mine ready to conduct one of the first steps in the gold mining process.

  • A picturesque view of the Crushing Facility at the Moss Mine.

  • A close up view of the Moss Mine construction

  • A bulldozer moves the preload on the heap leach pad at the Moss Mine.

  • Blue skies and Crushers at the Moss Mine Crushing Facility

  • An eye level view of the skeleton of our conveyor belt at the Moss Mine.

  • A bulldozer pushes the ore on the Moss Mine heap leach pad.

  • A trio of CAT construction vehicles working together to haul ore at the Moss Mine.

  • A close up view of the side of one of our Crushers at the Moss Mine.

  • The Moss Mine heap leach pad from afar.

  • Our Cement Silo and Agglomeration Machine

  • Construction

  • Construction




  • Cement silo at the Moss Mine

  • Our trio of crushers at the Moss Mine.

  • Construction at the Moss Mine

  • Cement Silo arrives at the Moss Mine

  • Upclose to one of the cone crushers at the Moss Mine.

  • Moss Mine Construction - Agglomeration Drums

  • Moss Mine Construction - beginning stages of the crusher assembly

  • Moss Mine Construction - Cyanide Tank arrives on site.

  • Upclose view of the cyanide tank at the Moss Mine

  • Moss Mine Construction - Cone Crusher frame

  • Moss Mine Construction - first look at the assembly of the Fire Water Tank

  • Assembly begins for the cone crusher frames

  • Moss Mine - pond lined and filled

  • Delivery arrives of the cone crusher frame

  • Moss Mine - Power Pole installation underway to provide electricity to crushers and conveyors.

  • A convoy arrives at the Moss Mine to deliver the cone crusher frames

  • Another convoy arrives at the Moss Mine to delivery another structure

  • Another Crusher comes through the security entrance at the Moss Mine.

  • Concrete pour for Meryl Crow plant

  • Moss Mine construction - Heap Leach Liner Pad Installation

  • Convoy of conveyors being trucked into the Moss Mine

  • CAT truck working the midnight oil

  • Moss Mine construction at night

  • Heap Leach liner installation at night

  • A shipment arrives - delivery of the pumps

  • Heap Leach liner installation at night

  • Moss Mine Laydown Yard

  • Heap Leach liner installation at night

  • Moss Mine - a view of an edge of the heap leach liner pad.

  • Agglomeration Drum arriving into Bullhead City

  • Merrill Crowe: Containment Walls at 400 Area

  • Night Time Pour on 650-TK-002 Tank Pad

  • View of Upper and Lower West Pad

  • Agglomeration Drum and Associated Equipment / Conveyors / Liner Material

  • View into Lower West Pad with Liner

  • Delivery of our first cone crusher top assembly.

  • Concrete pour at night.

  • Haulage Trucks In A Row

  • Contingency West Pond with Liner / 1st Liner Section of Lower West Pad

  • Moss Mine - Sequence of Liner

  • Moss Mine construction

  • Moss Mine construction

  • CAT vehicle working away


  • First truck delivery from JCI crushers.

  • Moss Mine construction - Concrete Pouring

  • Moss Mine construction - Caterpillar with Rocks

  • Moss Mine construction - vehicle haul

  • Moss Mine construction - Working Trucks

  • First Pour Concrete

  • Moss Mine construction

  • Moss Mine construction


  • Moss Mine construction

  • Moss Mine construction - building up the fire water tank

  • Moss Mine construction

  • Moss Mine construction

  • Conveyor on Moss Mine

  • Moss Mine construction - Drill

  • Construction of the Moss Mine Pilot Plant (2013)

  • Moss Mine Pilot Plant (2013)

  • Construction of the Moss Mine Pilot Plant (2013)

54 photos in this gallery. Right-Click on photo to open in full sized image.

  • Golden Vertex Gold Bars

  • Moss, October 2013

  • Moss Mine Desert Sunset

  • Moss Mine Under Construction

  • Entrance to Core Shack

  • Jeb Handwerger & Ken Berry on Route 66

  • Moss Mine Entrance

  • Lisa McCabe and Chelsea of Arizona Senator Flake's Office

  • Leaching Operations 8 30 13 3

  • Overlooking the Moss Mine

  • Construction of the Moss Mine Pilot Plant (2013)

  • Team Photo (November 2012)

  • Corppreshome

22 photos in this gallery. Right-Click on photo to open in full sized image.

  • Moss Mine construction - Drill

  • Staff Working

  • Moss Core

  • Moss Mine, March 2013

  • BHC - Personel

12 photos in this gallery. Right-Click on photo to open in full sized image.


  • Lil Red Schoolhouse

  • GVC Clean Up

  • Historical Moss Mine Headframe at dusk

  • BHC - Computer Center

  • GVC at the Career Fair

  • Moss, December 2013

  • Chip For Kids Charity Tournament (April 2013)

  • Golden Vertex Display 2017


  • GVC Center for Earth Science

  • Little Red School House

  • Headframe

3 photos in this gallery. Right-Click on photo to open in full sized image.

  • Desert Nursery

  • Backside of Pilot Plant Reclamation

  • Reclamation